
WORDS, Create pictures in your mind, Imprints upon your heart, And ultimately determine your destiny.


In The Purple Pill I share practical “how to” processes anyone can apply to unlock the mystery of understanding their purpose or calling in life.  I wanted to share words that help create God’s picture of your life.  The picture God paints in your (more…)


The World Outside the Church

At the foundation of God’s plan for people on earth is the family.

Our family is where we discover relationships.  Real relationships.  Relationships built on love; the most powerful emotion and motivator human beings have.  Family demonstrates God’s ‘love plans’ to care for, protect, and nurture so that we might be raised up in His perfect image.  My wife often reminds me that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world; she is right.  The family is where we learn to love, work, and steward God’s blessings. 

‘Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old he will not depart from it.’  (Proverbs 22:6 AMPC)

This is why Marxism/Socialism/Democratic Socialism and Christianity CANNOT go hand in hand.  I’m sorry to bring the truth to bear on the world outside our church doors, but it must be done.  There is a reason why every government that has implemented marxism/socialism makes the destruction of the free worship of Jesus AND the abolition of the family as its top targets.  

In case you haven’t figured it out God is shaking everything, especially His people, right now and He is not finished.  The grey area most have comfortably lived in is shrinking at an exponential rate and everyone is discovering a side must be chosen;  Good vs. Evil.  This isn’t about politics, race, or gender.  This is about truth vs. lies, and love vs. hate.  The spiritual war we are in the midst of is only played out in the culture we are living in; therefore we see the clash in politics, education, the media, and the rest of society.  Our weapons are not weapons the world fights with, they fight with curses, propaganda, and hate.  We fight with weapons from heaven, and the greatest of these is LOVE.  We fight with the power of the good news of God’s Kingdom.  A Kingdom whose fruit is love, joy, and peace.  A Kingdom whose foundation is RELATIONSHIP.  At the end of the days Jesus will gather the nations, all people, and we will all will face judgment, but the only thing that will matter will be if you have a relationship with Jesus.  He will separate sheep and goats.  The goats will highlight the mighty deeds done in His name and He will simply tell them that they are not welcome in His Kingdom because He does not know them, i.e. no relationship.

There is a cry from heaven to repent and honor the relationships God has entrusted to us.  This starts at home; your family.  It then branches out to your neighbors, your co-workers, your community.  What all human beings desire is unfailing love (Proverbs 19:22).  The darkness and evil screaming today is void of love, and void of life.  The Bride of Christ, the ecclesia or called out ones, His Body is the source of all love.  We are the one’s being called to arise and shine and let the world see the glory and love of God.  We have what the world needs.  They must see it.  We cannot tell them and then live a life that mirrors theirs; a life void of love, void of relationship.  The church for far too long is seen saying one thing and living like the world.  The world recognizes this and rightly labels it hypocrisy.  Our only choice is to repent and live what He has called us to; Love.  The greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love your neighbor as you love yourself.  If you do not love God you cannot love yourself.  If you do not love yourself you cannot love others.  

God is calling people everywhere to align themselves with His will and plans for their lives.  It starts within; our hearts.  Honor the relationships God has entrusted to you.  Let your life be heard, let your light shine in the darkness.  You are a city on a hill, you are the salt of the world.  You (and His Spirit in you) are the world’s only hope.  It’s time to get in the game.  Quit ignoring society, start relating to it from Heaven’s perspective.


Hearts on Fire 🔥

Waking one morning recently I was greeted by the Holy Spirit bringing an image to my mind of hearts on fire.  I smiled because for the last couple months, in various ways, I have been impressed that God is going to baptize our hearts with fire.  The first celebration of Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus, in Acts 2, the place was shaken, tongues of fire appeared and came to rest on the disciples.  They were baptized in the Spirit and spoke in other tongues. This was the power Jesus had told the disciples to wait for and this is what set the church on fire; 3000 souls were set free that day!

Over and over again the impression keeps replaying in my heart that there’s another baptism coming; not one of tongue’s but of the heart.  God is going to baptize our hearts with fire; his fire is his love. The world will look at believers and see a God who loves them, who’s better than they could ever hope or imagine.

In the past people seeking God have been disappointed by seeking the things of God like His gifts, His blessings, His power, and signs and wonders.  But in this new era there’s a greater calling.  He is calling His bride to His love. THERE IS ONE THING TO SEEK; HIS HEART. Those with ears to hear will heed the call to seek His heart.  This is a call to intimacy, relationship, and hunger for his presence, to know him; this is the call to life. The faithful, seeking His presence, waiting on Him, will suddenly be overcome with the power of His presence and find their hearts immersed in the fire of His love, never to be the same.  Being sent with hearts on fire.  Those with His heart will see the world through his eyes and will respond in His love and walk in His power.

The enemy sees this coming and is furiously working to try to stop, hinder, or distract God’s people from receiving this touch from the Master.  In this time of shaking we must be determined to sit at the feet of Jesus and rest in His presence.  It is a time to seek His heart.  Be careful not to open any doors to darkness by seeking the ‘things of God’ over and before the presence of God.  A tactic the enemy uses is distraction which leads to delayed obedience or just plain disobedience.  Tempting people with the thought God’s grace will cover them.  The devil is a liar and always twists the truth.  The trap, and way we open a door for the enemy, is by perverting God’s grace.  To pervert anything means to use it outside of its purpose.  The purpose of God’s grace is to empower us to fulfill God’s call and to teach us to say no to ungodliness.  When we use grace as a covering for not obeying God we find ourselves on thin ice, in sin, abusing His grace; that is not the intent.  Living in this way believers unwittingly open a door that the enemy uses to come in and wreak havoc in their lives.  

God is loving, kind, and patient.  He desires to set people free from the shackles of the enemy.  We are exhorted to let the peace of God rule our hearts and to follow the path of peace.  This only happens when His grace is received for its intended purpose.  WE CLOSE THE DOOR BY SIMPLY REPENTING.  Ask God to forgive any acts of disobedience and any part played in opening the door to the enemy in the first place.  Close the door and seek His presence.  

It is time to position ourselves at the feet of Jesus.  May the fire of His love fall and baptize your heart.  May the world see the power of His love at work in you.  It is time for His bride to shine.  It is time for the world to see, through us, that there is a God in heaven who is GOOD, who brings restoration, redemption, life and life in abundance.  His Kingdom is a kingdom of love, for He is LOVE.

‘Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.’

– 1 John 4:8


God Can Unscramble Eggs

God can unscramble eggs; think about that!  His power is beyond our comprehension.  He can make shadows go backwards, raise the dead, heal the sick.  There are no bounds to His goodness, power, and authority.  His little finger is stronger than all other strength combined.  I celebrate His might in absolute awe, then I face a struggle to make it somewhere on time.  Oh, I’m ready on time, but my 6 year old daughter is a different story.  I have learned in my family we are only as fast as our weakest or slowest member.  When it comes time to put on shoes I just want to tie them for her, rather than wait what seems like an eternity for her to tie one shoe then tell me about a dinosaur before tying the next.  Talk about frustrating.   I serve a God who can unscramble eggs yet I struggle bearing with my daughter tying her shoes.

When Jesus sent His disciples to heal the sick and cast out demons, He gave them “power & authority” (Lk.9:1).  The power comes by the Holy Spirit working to confirm the word of God (Mark 16:20). The authority comes from being seated with Christ (Eph 1:20-22 & 2:6).  Power and authority are different and most believers live seated with Christ in authority but somehow lack power from heaven and no real answer as to “why.”  This is a difficult life to live.  We know as long as the heir is a child then he is subject to guardians and trustees until he matures and grows stronger, at which time his Father gives him power to go with his position of authority (read Galatians 4:1-2).    God can give authority but strength comes through exercise.  Power and strength go hand in hand.  As children grow they get stronger. 

Strength in the world is exhibited by being able to dominate and enforce your will on others; ‘only the strong survive’ is the mantra of this world.  Strength in the Kingdom is exactly the opposite.  If you study Jesus, then you’ll discover Kingdom strength.  Jesus never enforced His will on others, but rather He bore their weakness.  He was patient.  He understood strength is not about how much you do, but how much you bear the weaknesses of others.  His disciples were routinely exercised in bearing with weakness and therefore were growing in the strength of the Lord.

When I understood this, my life changed.  I am no longer frustrated with opportunities to bear with other’s weaknesses.  I am excited, knowing this exercise is building true strength; Kingdom strength, and this is exactly what I and the world around me needs.

His strength knows no bounds; He bore the weaknesses of all humanity on the cross.  We think ‘be strong in the Lord’ and envision overflowing in Godly knowledge, wisdom, good works, prosperity, and on and on.  All the while Jesus sees us for who we really are; weak little children in need of true strength.  As He bears with us in our weakness, He is interceding we grow up and leave the ways of our youth, the ways of the world, and begin to exercise and walk in Kingdom strength, bearing with others in their weakness.  He is calling His bride to stand up in true strength, seated in authority, showing ourselves to be His disciples.

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:35

It is time to walk in His ways.  For far too long we have tried to bring the world’s ways into our relationship with Jesus.  When we are weak, then we are strong; hear His call to true strength.  Rejoice in weakness and watch God move mightily.  It is time for the world to see the God who can unscramble eggs.


The Selfish Prison

Most people wake up and go through life bound by the chains and shackles of selfishness; constantly looking for more.  Searching for what they may gain, how they can get ahead, who to befriend, calculating returns for actions that are sown in vein, only to reap a dry dusty whirlwind.  The hidden tragedy is God has more, but the bondage keeps them locked away from God’s best.  Bondage unseen is always the bondage that limits you and maintains your lack in life and frustration.  It’s impossible to help someone with a problem they don’t believe they have.  When you see the shackles you begin to think how to escape.  When you’re oblivious you resign to the thought, “this is life,” and do nothing to change.  

Light illuminates what binds us.  Love is light.  Psalm 36:9 tells us in His light we see light, and by the context we understand His light is Love.  It is God’s love that sets us free.  Love is not self-seeking.  Light and dark cannot walk together.  Love and selfishness cannot walk together.  Saying you love your neighbor doesn’t matter unless you really love your neighbor.  God, who sees hearts, sees both actions prompted by love and those calculated steps performed for self in search of God’s rewards.

Most make decisions based on themselves (self-seeking).  This is a well worn path for people in this world, but it is a path of bondage.  Many need to quit acting like a cheesy lawyer, selfishly using God’s word like a legal document, demanding a judgement in your favor; that’s not love and much more how the enemy works.  This is a large part of why believer’s lack power.  He didn’t set us free to be selfish.  God has called us to live in Him, therefore we live in Love (1 John 4:16).  God is your Father, not some distant Judge; this implies heart to heart relationship that fathers have with their children.  Our success in life is directly proportional to our relationship with the God who is Love (1 John 4:8).  Many may have had a poor, or no, example of a loving father in this life and face a stronghold trying to believe their heavenly Father is love.  God demonstrates His love always; it is His kindness that leads us to change.  It is His kindness that weaves us into the tapestry of heaven on earth.  

The two commandments Jesus noted as the greatest are to love God & love your neighbor (Matthew 22:37).  These commands sum up the entire law and the prophets.  These are the litmus test for being led by the Spirit.  LOVE does not conform to religion, legalism, or works, but Love transforms all dry and weary routines.  Love breaks the chains of bondage.  Love brings freedom from selfishness.  Love leads us to the “more” God has for us.  The “more” God has is outside our shackles of self.  It is time to breakout and expand your tent stakes, it is time to live outside the box.  It is time to trust God with your whole heart.  Walk in love, trusting God to watch out for you, provide for you, and even surprise you with His goodness.  Follow the Spirit (Love) as He leads you on the perfect path of peace.  His love will be our light and His word will be a lamp to our feet.  

Father in heaven, forgive me for being self-seeking.  I want to walk in love.  Lead me today on the path of peace.  Open my eyes to what you see.  Give me grace to love like you love.  Live through me.  In Jesus name, Amen.


“I will do anything ….”

I woke up this morning with a strange song playing in my mind over and over.  You may remember the 90’s number one hit by Meatloaf, “I will do anything for love, but I won’t do that.”  It was over and over.  Waking up with this strange song repeating in my head I began my normal morning.  I’ve been reading through Exodus, so I pick up where I left off.  I hope you’re familiar with the highlights; God delivers the Israelites out of bondage and they were given gold, silver, clothing by the Egyptians.  He then led them through the Red Sea and the enemy army pursuing them is completely destroyed.  Pretty impressive and miraculous experiences.  God then leads them into the desert and after turning the bitter water sweet He gives them a decree, a law and He tested them.  As I read His decree it was like words stood out; 

Listen Carefully

Do What is Right

Pay Attention

Keep His Decrees

He said, “If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD , who heals you.”   – Exodus 15:26 (emphasis mine)

Anytime we receive a directive, revelation, or word from the Lord we can expect, as the Israelites were, to be tested.  We will find ourselves in a situation that proves by our actions and words what we believe.  God always gives us opportunities to see our heart.  Do we say the right thing, or do we DO the right thing?  The Israelites walk through miraculous deliverance singing and praising God, rest at an oasis, then in the desert chose not to listen, or do what was right, or pay attention to His commands.  They grumbled and failed the test.

As I pondered this, I couldn’t help but question how often I say the right thing yet find myself in the heat of the battle, the test, and do something else.  It’s easy to justify looking at others, but the Holy Spirit gently whispers, “Listen Carefully to what I say, Do What is Right, Pay Attention.”  It’s the little things we must prove faithful in, then He can trust us with bigger.  I know God is love (1 John 4:8), and I trust Him.  I choose to pass the tests of life and walk in the grace Jesus provides.  I am changing the song in my head, by the grace of God I say, “I will do anything for love period.”  How about you?


Unity is Not Conformity

Many people, in an attempt seeking to fulfill the scripture of “unity of the body of Christ” found in Ephesians 4, come together and commit to be in agreement.  They can agree with their doctrine, dress code, commitment to lead a sinless life, almost anything.  The problem is they never find unity.  They find a poor imitation of unity; conformity.

People that commit to intimate relationship with God and each other find unity.  They live a life founded on God’s love and resulting in family.  These people are in the secret place, in unity, where God has bestowed a special blessing.

1 How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!
2 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
down upon the collar of his robes.
3 It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.

Psalm 133

The fundamental difference between being in “agreement” versus being in relationship is seen in our interaction with each other.  All relationships need open communication in order to be functional and fulfilling. When people are not equally transparent, accessible, and committed to ongoing dialogue, be assured things will grow stagnant quickly.  

Conformity leads quickly to not being real and open, but holding back and drowning in stagnation.  Unity is fresh and alive because it is founded on love, not agreement.  Think of a marriage.  It’s absurd to think a husband and wife will always agree.  Agreement doesn’t bind them together it’s their commitment to love each other no matter what.  Now they have a safe place that they can disagree and work through things because their relationship is not built on their performance or “agreement,” but on an eternal love that can never be broken.  There is freedom in love.  Freedom to grow, the opposite of stagnation.

Unity, built on love advances the Kingdom, while conformity advances an agenda which results in stagnation and isolation.  We are all called into a divine “relationship of grace” with God, and each other.  This requires honest, sincere, open communication on our part, not agreement.

Unity or conformity are both fruit of our actions.  Be who God made you to be, love, and share your heart.  Others will be attracted to the life in you and God will be glorified.